HealthZone Medical: Christmas Period


It is hard to believe that we have only a few weeks until the start of 2019 and even less until Christmas Day. Below is a heads up on the hours we are open over the Christmas period and a reminder to our patients to start thinking about requesting any scripts for medications that they need over the period we are closed. We anticipate that Monday 24 December could be very busy, so kindly ask that all requests for scripts happen before this date.


Christmas Hours:

We are closed from 25 December (Christmas Day) to Wednesday 2 January inclusive. We will open the rest of the week (Thursday 3 and Friday 4 January) from 10am to 3pm. We resume our normal hours from Monday 7 January, which are 8am to 5:30pm

We have spent time this year bringing in new computer hardware and phone system so that in 2019 we can offer our patients alternate ways for requesting scripts and booking appointments. Our new website is being developed currently and we look forward to sharing that with you shortly.

Please note if you email the practice, the address is now:  [email protected].

From the team at HealthZone Medical we wish everyone a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2019.  Over this holiday period, look after each other, keep safe on the roads and remember the sunblock!

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HealthZone is a vibrant medical practice set in the midst of AUT Millennium and comprises a team of doctors providing elite healthcare for all. Keeping patients healthy is the bottom line at HealthZone, through regular health screening (such as diabetic testing, asthma screening, well person checks for insurance medicals, along with medical surgical procedures by appointment). We place a high value on knowing our patients as individuals. We welcome new patients with no referral necessary.