October Choice Challenge!


This is NOT a month to ‘GIVE UP’.

It is a month to CHANGE and CHALLENGE.

It is specific to YOU.

So here’s the challenge…

“For the month of October, I will challenge myself to change something. My challenge is individual and specific to me”


1 ) There is no failure. There is ACCOUNTABILITY.

If you slip up during the month, you must recognise it, take accountability for it and then move on. (Like forgetting to make the bed, recognise it, then just make it the next day!)

2) The challenge must be MEASURABLE and SPECIFIC.

If you choose to go sugar free, does this include ALL sugar? Fruit? Or is it processed sugar? Packaged foods with added sugar? (Some tinned tomatoes even have added sugar!)

3) Communicate

Post your Choice Challenge on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, tag @AUTMillennium and @LaneLinesNZ to join the discussion!

When did you crack? What was the hardest part? Did you have to change your challenge?

Don’t forget to #OctoberCC #ChoiceChallengeNZ and #LaneLinesNZ to see how others are doing!


write it down and keep your goals private. If you choose to make it an internal challenge, you NEED TO WRITE IT DOWN. Have a tangible example of your goal.

4) Duration

Start: Sunday 1st October 2016 (Or pick a date)

End: Monday 31st October 2016 (31 days from date picked)

#OctoberCC #ChoiceChallengeNZ #LaneLinesNZ


Ideas to get you started:

-Remember- This is YOUR challenge. These are only IDEAS. Modify and sculpt the challenge to fit YOU. Make them simple, specific and measurable.

  • Go to bed at X time during the week
  • Think and speak positively about work for 31 days
  • Turn off WIFI after 6pm / before 9am
  • Use a cell phone only while alone or for work purposes
  • Book guitar lessons, attend two lessons per week
  • Run for 20 minutes without walking
  • Check social media once a day
  • 31 day Netflix detox
  • Not buying lunch during the workweek
  • Only purchasing X coffee’s during the week
  • Not buying anything online
  • Any purchase made must replace something already owned (ie, you buy a new pair of shoes, you have to throw / give away a pair)
  • Call a loved one once per week
  • Read a bed time story every night
  • Finish a book
  • 31 days without taking a photo
  • Going somewhere new every weekend for the month
  • Finish a large pump bottle of water every day
  • Trying a new food / recipe once a week
  • Say yes to offers for lunch / coffee / study groups
  • Say no to overtime / another drink / one more email

Want to see what challenges people have chosen? See the Original Team bios for examples!

#OctoberCC #ChoiceChallengeNZ #LaneLinesNZ

Originally written by Laura Quilter at https://lauraquilternz.com/