Tags Coaching

Tag: Coaching

Dear Coach, all that matters to you is the result.

All that matters to you is the result. You say that you care most about the intrinsic values sport offers, like fun, fair play, teamwork,...

8 essential ingredients to getting faster

Speed is one of the most sought after attributes in sport today. Not only does it hugely benefit your own performance, it’s often associated...

What Happens When You Lose?

It’s easy to put all of your time and energy into winning. It makes you feel good and provides great pleasure. However, here’s the thing:...

How to successfully manage a young athlete’s emotions

“Every time I go out to play it means everything to me. I’m so competitive, I just can’t handle losing”. These are the words of...

Summer training: How to stay on track & keep improving

Now that school’s out and the summer holidays are here it can be easy to get distracted from working towards your sporting goals. Therefore,...

Part 2. Why treating athletes individually is a must

In last week’s blog I left you with an important question to consider: whose responsibility is it to drive training motivation in youth athletes? As...

How to motivate your athletes without being over the top: Part...

Part 1 . Turn Up Ready To Work Hard Skills can be trained, unlike a person’s height. Training your skills is less about your genes and...

Sometimes just turning up isn’t enough.

It’s easy to fall into a pattern that returns good results and, because you're not going backwards, you're quite happy with the status quo. However,...

7 ways to improve your coaching

I believe that coaching youth athletes is one of the highest impact and most rewarding things you can do. It’s your chance to make...

Do your athletes trust you?

Trust - It’s Not A Coach's Right It’s easy to think that an athlete’s trust is your right. But it’s not. It must be earned. Please...



5 Reasons Why Competition is Good (and bad) for your Child

What does the word ‘competition’ bring to mind? Is all competition a good thing? How do you distinguish between helpful competition and that which...

Implementing a set programme into your swim sessions

Training sets and fitness goals are a great way to improve your current swimming ability. More often than not, I see people swimming lap...

50 Questions Every Youth Athlete Should Ask Themselves

Asking good questions is an excellent way to assess your performance and become more in tune with what to focus on to get better. At...

Weight training and cardio – together or separate?

Which should I do first - cardio or weights? Is doing cardio better than lifting weights for me? These are two questions I’ve found...

Lessons from A Silver Fern

Guest Contribution: Anna Harrison - New Zealand Netballer. Another big year of Northern Mystics and New Zealand Silver Fern Netball commitments has come to an...