Tags Coaching

Tag: Coaching

On the Ball: Investing in coach development

One of the biggest factors in the success, or otherwise, of any sport is the quality of coaching. From grassroots to high performance, a...

What is youth sport for?

I recently asked this question to a group of school coaches from various sports in a professional development workshop I facilitated. Here’s what they came...

Where do we find range?

Wherever you look, the world is becoming more specialised. Education. Business. And sport… where specific environments are being prioritised at younger and younger ages to...


I’d like you to do something for me. Take a jump to the left, and then a step to the right, put your hands on...

Beneath the surface

A great vegetable garden requires regular attention. But when your plants just don’t seem to thrive, no matter how much attending, pruning and fertilising you...


Often, our job is not to teach a young athlete something new, but draw their attention to the familiar. In a recent workshop I ran...

Structure without control

Structure is the arrangement of the parts of something complex. It's found in nature, architecture, meaningful relationships, and an enriched learning environment. We need structure. It provides...

What is stress inoculation training?

On May 14, 1796, Edward Jenner took a small amount of fluid from a milkmaid's hand lesion and scratched it into the skin of...

Deliberate practice

Much has been said recently about the perils of early specialisation. In fact, an increasing body of evidence shows that doing too much of the...

Age – only a number?

Suppose the opening bowler chargers in and releases the ball towards off stump at 100 km/hr-1. The batter swings the bat and cuts the ball...



5 Reasons Why Competition is Good (and bad) for your Child

What does the word ‘competition’ bring to mind? Is all competition a good thing? How do you distinguish between helpful competition and that which...

Implementing a set programme into your swim sessions

Training sets and fitness goals are a great way to improve your current swimming ability. More often than not, I see people swimming lap...

50 Questions Every Youth Athlete Should Ask Themselves

Asking good questions is an excellent way to assess your performance and become more in tune with what to focus on to get better. At...

Weight training and cardio – together or separate?

Which should I do first - cardio or weights? Is doing cardio better than lifting weights for me? These are two questions I’ve found...

A Deep Dive into our Muscles

Muscles. We are all made up of them, and in fact, we have around 600 of them. Just because you may have some that...