EP 19 – Fiona Mather – What we can learn from the horse racing industry


ADS 0019: Fiona Mather – What we can learn from the horse racing industry

My guest of the show today is Fiona Mather (@FifiMather).

Fiona leads the physiotherapy and rehabilitation team at High Performance Sport New Zealand in Auckland, where she works with elite athletes across many different codes. Scottish born, Fiona was head of physiotherapy at SportScotland Institute of Sport before coming out to New Zealand not so long ago with her Kiwi husband and her two boys.

But here’s the interesting thing.

What now involves the rehabilitation of Olympic athletes, started out with foals and stallions. Yes, you heard me right. Fiona began her career in physiotherapy in the multi-million-dollar horse racing industry.

It there a connection between horses and young athletes? Absolutely.

Stay tuned to find out.

Show Highlights

  • What we can learn from horse racing for looking after our young athletes better
  • What Fiona believes is the biggest difference between New Zealand’s sporting culture and the rest of the world
  • Some great tips from Fiona on how to manage high training and competition loads in youth sport

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High Performance Sport NZ

