Exercise Efficiency. Get in. Get out. Get it done!


We all lead busy lives and when we are time pressured it’s very easy to put your own exercise needs on the back burner.

As a new Mum with limited free time on my hands I have realised the importance of being able to exercise efficiently.

I love being active and had the luxury for many years of being a full time athlete. Now my priorities have changed but I still love to exercise, I just need to do so in a shorter space of time.

Gym blurr 2I have also realised you can have a great workout in a short space of time (20-30minutes) and if you have blocks of 10mins in the day that it all adds up.

Exercise efficiency for me is about maximising your time in the gym. By doing global exercises as opposed to isolating muscles through a particular exercise you will use more muscles per exercise to get a whole body return on your investment.

It doesn’t mean you can’t and shouldn’t do exercises in isolation but when you are time poor its much more bang for your buck to use a greater number of muscles in a single exercise.

Put in your headphones if this suits you and avoid stopping to chat to your fellow members until you’re finished. Vigorously protect your exercise time to nourish your body and mind.

Gym blurrMy Top 5 ‘Go To’s’ if I’m pressed for time:

  1. TRX – whole body work out as a warm up or warm down. Great for your core as well as your arms and legs.
  2. Lift weights – squats, dead lifts or an Olympic lift with great technique are great whole body exercises, which will get your major muscle groups working.
  3. Tabata type circuit – one exercise performed for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds repeated. Even better head to one of the Tabata classes 30mins of goodness. Feel the burn!
  4. Run or row hard. Set a time or set a distance, feel the sweat and go for it.
  5. Kettlebell swings – a great exercise for your whole body that really gets your lungs, gluts, arms and core firing at the same time.

Being efficient in the gym creates a feeling of satisfaction that you are getting some great gains despite spending hours at the gym.

You don’t have to be in the gym for hours on end to get tremendous benefits to your health and wellbeing no matter what your gym goals are.

I am enjoying the benefits of shorter bursts of exercise, which in a busy life are so important for your soul.