Authors Posts by Dr. Craig Harrison

Dr. Craig Harrison

Craig’s passion is helping athletes become the best that they can be. In February 2014, Craig completed his PhD, with a focus on athlete development, at AUT University and lead Athlete Development from 2010 to 2019.

What can we learn from Isaac Newton?

Sir Isaac Newton, widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time, complied three laws of motion. He used them to...

Why Movement Skill is Essential for Children

One of my favourite Olympic events is the gymnastics. Why? I like the variation in apparatus. The rings, bars, vault, floor, the gymnast does...

The Bright Lights of Winning

There's no denying it. Today, so much of success is measured on winning and so it’s become the focus, chased down at all costs. But...

Why the shoulder is so vulnerable to injury and how to...

It’s been bugging you for a while now. There’s a dull ache in your shoulder and the more you play the sorer it gets. Resting up...

3 essential physical skills for surfing

You love the ocean and the adrenaline-charged feeling of carving fresh lines down a wave. It makes you feel alive. Your joy of surfing began...

Girls are far more at risk of injury than boys. Here’s...

Did you know: Girls Are 6 Times More Likely to Get Injured Than Boys? Participation in youth sport has increased dramatically in recent years, with...

Is being “busy” making you better?

It’s easy to fall into the busy trap. There’s no lack of exciting opportunities to fill our time. We love to say "yes" and rush...

3 Common Mistakes Youth Athletes Make

The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace a long-term learning process specific to your individual goals and needs. Unfortunately, the ease and safety...

Dear Coach, all that matters to you is the result.

All that matters to you is the result. You say that you care most about the intrinsic values sport offers, like fun, fair play, teamwork,...

Supplements & Youth Sport: An introduction

Sport is more competitive than ever before at school level, I certainly don’t need to convince you that, which is leading to athletes doing...



5 Reasons Why Competition is Good (and bad) for your Child

What does the word ‘competition’ bring to mind? Is all competition a good thing? How do you distinguish between helpful competition and that which...

Implementing a set programme into your swim sessions

Training sets and fitness goals are a great way to improve your current swimming ability. More often than not, I see people swimming lap...

50 Questions Every Youth Athlete Should Ask Themselves

Asking good questions is an excellent way to assess your performance and become more in tune with what to focus on to get better. At...

Weight training and cardio – together or separate?

Which should I do first - cardio or weights? Is doing cardio better than lifting weights for me? These are two questions I’ve found...

The Benefits of Training Accessories for Swimming: PT 3 Kick Board

Have you ever watched a top swimmer walk into a swimming pool with a bright coloured mesh bag in hand and wondered why they...