Is being “busy” making you better?


It’s easy to fall into the busy trap.

There’s no lack of exciting opportunities to fill our time. We love to say “yes” and rush in and sign up for everything without thinking.

Seldom does “busy” mean “better”.

Instead, “busy” means that the “urgent” takes priority over the “important”.

Even worse: the important doesn’t even happen.

It means that you have to stop when the time’s up because the next thing is about to start.

What if you’re half way through something remarkable, or the learning hasn’t happened yet?

“Busy” means that time is money and when we spend it we want to know what we’re getting back in return.

It’s why the score, or the test, has become everything – because the result is measurable.

What about effort, teamwork, and persistence, do they count for anything?

Busy means that if you’re not already good, don’t bother showing up because there isn’t the time to spend getting better.

In the short term “busy” means mediocracy and in the long run, drop out.

It’s easy to fall into the busy trap, it’s hard to get out.