6 steps to a leaner, meaner body


Here are my top tips to help you get and stay, in tip top shape!

1. Eat MASSIVE amounts of veggies

I personally eat 5-6 handfuls of veggies a day, easily. I snack on veggies, have a veggie based lunch, be it soup or salad and always always have 2 handfuls of veggies as part of my evening meal. I apply this principle wherever I am – eating out, in, weekends – I make it happen.


2. High intensity interval training (HIIT)

Short sharp bursts of exercise get you results, sprints, burpees, skipping…you name it, give it a go. I also include weight/resistance training too, a must for getting leaner. Building muscle mass means you burn more calories at rest. If you belong to a gym – ask someone there about sorting you a program with HIIT training and plenty of resistance stuff – of course, be safe and get clearance from your doctor if you have any health issues.

3. Spread out your protein

We need protein, it helps us feel fuller for longer and is vital after a workout for recovery – but one thing a lot of us seem to do REALLY badly here in NZ is chomp down on loads of protein packed foods at our evening meal and not have enough in the day, particularly in the morning. On days when I don’t have enough protein at breakfast and lunch, I am much more likely to want to snack, so now I make that a ‘must do’. You can too.

4. Eat for the right reasons

If you are eating when you’re tired, angry, upset, bored or just because its 12.30pm and everyone else is eating (even though you’re not hungry) that just needs to stop.

5. Sleep DEEP

Just being in bed isn’t enough, when you are sleeping, you need to be getting some nourishing, body recouping DEEP sleep.  Cutting back on caffeine and alcohol is a very good idea in this case, as they can stop you going into deep restful sleep*. Keep tea/coffee to a couple of cups max, earlier in the day and alcohol, not too close to
bed and, not too much – you know that though right?! I know, it is making it happen that’s the hard part.

Tired man resting in the bed

6. Disconnect and breathe

Being super stressed and running around like a flea in a fit, isn’t good for you or your body. You need to find ways in your life, to calm your breathing and SLOW DOWN. Turn off the radio when you drive, enjoy the peace and focus on your breathing inside, start yoga, read at night rather than watching TV or browsing the net. Whatever it is and however you do it, if you want to get leaner, lose fat and feel better, you have to manage your stress levels.

Good Luck! By AUT Millennium Nutritionist Claire Turnbull.

For more about Claire and her work, check out www.claireturnbull.co.nz