Athlete Blog: Tracey Lambrechs – 6 Month Recap


Can you believe its June already?!

Not only are we two months and 26 days away from my birthday, but we are only 10 days away from the North Island Champs /Trials, three months out from the Oceania and Commonwealth Championships, five months out from the 2017 Olympic Weightlifting World championships and roughly 308 days away from the next Commonwealth Games! Not that I’m really excited……counting down or anything but I like to know what’s coming up and what to look forward to. This year so far has been quite unique, with a number of memorable moments/achievements.

– New coach! Started training under Tina Ball

– Lost 17kgs

– Competed in a new category for the 1st time in 10 years

– Two successful Sileni wine fundraisers (thanks to all who participated!)

– Worked and volunteered at the Vodafone Warriors events supervising the Community Zone

– Was assistant coach at the World Masters Weightlifting championships-Athlete won Bronze

– Travelled to schools and sports clubs to share my experiences of being an Olympian/Athlete

– Challenged and succeeded in creating a habit with planning and preparing my food 2 weeks in advanced.

-Hosted Jennian Homes Mother’s Day Fun Run

Now to some this might not seem like much in six months, but my life has been pretty much turned upside down, not being dramatic or anything. time management is a must at the moment, especially as I am having to keep my cardio and strength levels up while eating smart and maintaining my glorious naps.

One of my strategies to get myself out of motivation slumps, as one might be in winter, I like to look forward to things/events/competitions coming up. Knowing that I have something to work towards always make life so much easier…..and having little countdowns is great.

I’m looking forward to the next six months and hope you will all join me as I continue to update my website, blog and Facebook page! So stay tuned and be a part of my campaign and journey to the 2018 Commonwealth Games


Facebook: Tracey Lambrechs-Olympic Weightlifter