EP 52 – Jayne Dunbar – Sport as a Vehicle for Change in Education


My guest on the show today is Jayne Dunbar (@dunbar_jayne). Jayne is the Careers and Pathways Project Leader at Hobsonville Point Secondary School, in Auckland. Prior to this, Jayne was a Physical Education and Health Teacher at Papakura High School in South Auckland. As part of her role at the school, Jayne led a Sport New Zealand initiative aimed at lifting academic, social and sporting success for students by using sport as a context for learning. Her team received the Outstanding Physical Education Award from Physical Education New Zealand for their efforts.

Jayne also has a Master’s Degree in Professional Studies from the University of Auckland. Her thesis was entitled:  Playful Education: A Self-study of a Health and Sport Science Academy.

In this episode, I chat with Jayne about her love for sport, what led her to P.E. teaching, the challenges that come working in a low decile school and why sport is an ideal vehicle for change, the future of education, and much more.

You can say hi to Jayne via Twitter.

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