EP 10 – Dr Sean Cumming


Kia Ora people, and thanks so much for tuning in to the Athlete Development Show…. a show all about the youth athlete, and their sporting quest. On the show, I pick the brains of athletes, coaches, parents, medical experts, and researchers, to name just a few, to gain insight, bust common myths, and reveal some great tools and tactics that you can use to get the most from sport for your athletes and children.

Today, ….

• Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise at the University of Bath in the UK
• Department of Psychology at the University of Washington, Seattle.
• Research focus on adolescent health and development, with an emphasis on the process of growth and maturation
• Published over 80 peer-reviewed articles

You’ll learn about…

• What he learnt as a child playing sport, and what led to his research career focusing on sport.
• The physical, psychological challenges that puberty presents in sport.
• The influence of biological maturation has on selection in youth sport.
• How the adolescent growth spurt is affecting Academy players in the Premier League and Sean’s ground-breaking research showing what you can do about.
• The difference between early and late maturing dancers in Ballet
• Some young gymnasts Sean worked with, and how tuned in they were to anxiety issues
• Where to start with developing mental skills your young athletes,
• What he learnt from spending some time with parents.

Interesting links

• Bio-Banding in youth sport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbjLx04TnRs
• Demands on the Academy Football Player http://www.fourfourtwo.com/performance/training/how-fit-are-premier-league-academy-players
• What UEFA thinks of Bio-banding http://www.uefa.org/MultimediaFiles/Download/EuroExperience/uefaorg/Publications/02/41/99/71/2419971_DOWNLOAD.pdf
• What Ballet can learn from Rugby https://theconversation.com/ballet-training-could-learn-a-thing-or-two-from-football-and-rugby-56469