Tags Injury Prevention

Tag: Injury Prevention

Kinetics Rehab: The 3 most common injuries during lockdown…and how to...

As we all buckle in for a bit longer at home, the team at Kinetics have a bit of insight to share from previous...

HealthZone Physio: Rest

Resting is not something Kiwis tend to be very good at. It is considered a waste of time, dramatic, soft – even though we...

HealthZone Physio: Swimmer’s Shoulder

Swimming is a demanding sport, with early mornings, long training hours and a highly competitive nature. Many injuries can be sustained, but by far...

HealthZone Physio: Ankle Sprains

Pre-season for winter sports will be starting shortly and with it, the good old ankle sprain will start filling up A&Es and physio waiting...

HealthZone Physio: Preventing Gym Related Injuries

With a new year comes fitness-related New Year’s resolutions and a spike in gym attendance. As a proud gym bunny myself, I can tell...

Health Zone Physio: What is the most common injury we see?

A common question we get as Physios is: what is the most common injury we see? I can’t speak for all clinics, but at Healthzone...

Stretching, truths and myths!

Stretching, truths and myths! We have all been told that flexibility is important, from being able to touch your toes to getting into that near-impossible...

Knee injuries – The statistics and 3 tips to avoid becoming...

The most common body parts to injure in sports are the ankle, knee, thigh/hip, lower back and shoulder. Knees however differ in a big...

HealthZone Medical: A Boney Problem!

Bones provide a number of roles in your body.  They provide structure.  They protect some organs, and they anchor muscles and tendons.  Keeping your...

Injuries in Young Athletes

Although they seem to be much more physically resilient than the rest of us; children and teenagers are also prone to injuries, especially if...



5 Reasons Why Competition is Good (and bad) for your Child

What does the word ‘competition’ bring to mind? Is all competition a good thing? How do you distinguish between helpful competition and that which...

Implementing a set programme into your swim sessions

Training sets and fitness goals are a great way to improve your current swimming ability. More often than not, I see people swimming lap...

50 Questions Every Youth Athlete Should Ask Themselves

Asking good questions is an excellent way to assess your performance and become more in tune with what to focus on to get better. At...

Weight training and cardio – together or separate?

Which should I do first - cardio or weights? Is doing cardio better than lifting weights for me? These are two questions I’ve found...

A Deep Dive into our Muscles

Muscles. We are all made up of them, and in fact, we have around 600 of them. Just because you may have some that...