Athlete Blog: Tracey Lambrechs – Qualifying for the Olympics


It feels like everything is going so fast! So let’s recap!

At the end of May I went to Fiji for the Olympic Qualifier: I got a silver medal, NZ record and the 2nd best ever total (240Kg).

The best thing about that competition is that we qualified a spot for a female to go to the Olympics!

June was the month of waiting and waiting… Waiting for the confirmation that I would be going to the Olympic Games in Rio.

It felt like for ever, until one evening Valerie Adams FaceTimed me. We were chatting away as girls do when my coach Adam hijacked the face time call and broke the amazing news to me that I would in fact be going to the OLYMPICS!

Valerie in the back round dancing around waving the New Zealand flag and me just crying, just sobbing tears of relief and joy! But then I was told to keep it a secret! Not the kind of secret I wanted to keep, was so hard to not tell everyone and anyone who would listen.

The media release was amazing too, having it announced to the world really just made everything seem more real! There was so much media and smiling, but more importantly I could tell people.

Fast forward and a few days later I got to attend the Prime Minister’s Olympic gala which was amazing!

I was lucky enough to host the AUT Millennium table and got to meet so many new and amazing people.

The best was being interviewed in front of everyone at the event and telling my story. I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face!

So I’m going to Rio but for now I’m back to reality of normal work, a little bit of fundraising and lots of training!

Thanks for the congratulations and support everyone!