Athlete Development

Athlete Development

EP 13 PART 2 – Adrian Blincoe

ADS 014: Adrian Blincoe – Developing Talent, the Role of the Parent, and being an Olympian In July 2008, Adrian Blincoe (@BlincoeA) ran New...

The Natural, The Thinker and The Hustler

Have you ever wondered why some athletes appear to engage much more in certain types of exercise and activities than others? Consider an athlete...

EP6 – Ken Lynch – Winning vs. Development and Producing High...

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another episode of the ADS… thanks so much for tuning in. Now, if you’re interested in the best...

The Bright Lights of Winning

There's no denying it. Today, so much of success is measured on winning and so it’s become the focus, chased down at all costs. But...

Deliberate practise: vital to your success as an athlete

Even now I remember the intense pain that shot through my left foot as I whacked my toe hard into the top of the...

Beware the leaky bucket

The quickest way to fill your bucket of potential is to dump as much water as possible into the top. To find any old...

EP 62 – Richie Patterson – Where Strength Comes from

"The excitement I get as coach far exceeds what I get as an athlete. To help others push their boundaries and overcome obstacles is...

EP 38 – Camilla Knight, Ph.D. – Developing Confidence, Managing Stress,...

“Knowledge is power. If parents have knowledge of what their kids are trying to achieve, they have a much better opportunity to support them.” Today’s...

EP 28 – Hugo Inglis – The Ultimate Competitor

ADS 0028: Hugo Inglis – The Ultimate Competitor    Playing sport on the world stage requires a huge work ethic, incredible skill, and a dogged...

Bigger, Faster, Stronger: Child Prodigy or Early Developer?

As a young kid I played just about every sport under the sun. Looking back on my younger years, I hardly spent any time...



Debunking a common myth: Youth weight training

There are these common generational myths that have been passed down to us and it would be fair to say that we really don’t...

AD Alumni: Anna Steven

We're shining the spotlight on some of Athlete Development's alumni who are doing great things in their chosen sport. Meet sprinter Anna Steven, who...

Preparing for school and club sport

Now that school and club sports teams trainings and games are gearing up again, what can your young athletes do to better prepare for...

Pat Chat: Sleep enhancement for youth athletes

In the second of our three-part series,  AD Academy Programme Manager and Lead Coach Patrick Davenport focuses on the importance of sleep for the...

How can you build psychological safety?

When it comes to pursuing excellence, moving from where we are now to a place that is more effective, how we behave is what...